Thursday, January 7, 2021

Post #7178 Snoozing With Little Wonder

Yet another grey day.....

I must confess that I have been very tuned in to what is
going on in our country.  Lots of tv time today.

Little Wonder always wants to be on my lap and I put
a pillow on me for protection.  Today he was there 
for a long time, hanging by the fire.

Phoebe napped on the couch.

Other than chores, I did very little.
Made chicken salad on greens for dinner....topped with homemade poppy seed dressing.
Always a nice departure.
There is so much I want to say about the DC fiasco.
Very hard to contain myself.  Just know that I have no mercy
for what has gone on and am looking for serious consequences.
Do you think it is possible for the people in our congress to have
had a wake up call about how important it is to tell the truth and
work together?  It is so important that we learn from this.
Right now, the 25th Amendment sounds good to me.
Night all.



  1. I went to bed late and got up early cause it’s all too scary thinking our country has been attacked by violence that the president himself brought on. The more I watched the tapes of his son at that rally saying we will come after you, just sent chills down my spine knowing there is another mad man out there. We need to talk about this as many have kept silent too long and look where we are now. The only way the weak sheep stop following the leader is to see there is a better path ahead and I have great confidence in who has now been elected. His social media accounts have been blocked which should have been done long ago so maybe he could have done the job he should have been doing, Kathy

  2. Down here we made sure our dinner was finished so we could see the 6 p.m. news. TOO scary altogether, how could he incite such violence.? I missed Trump Junior's words, maybe just as well.I now see that Google is having a record number of inquiries about people wanting to come to NZ. Take comfort in knowing all media has blocked him, and that President Elect Mr Biden will stand firm and strong.

  3. What happened yesterday was horrific. I can only hope for a better future, and yes, I would like to see the 25th amendment enacted at the very least.

  4. I agree that the 25th amendment should be used immediately but it won't be because the VP has no ba__ls and is still kissing the ring. He should be impeached immediately so he can never run for office again not even for dogcatcher for the rest of his life. The End.

  5. I can only hope the the trump name becomes equated with unhinged poison. A mad man is in the big house and he is very dangerous as are those who support him.


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