Friday, January 8, 2021

Post #7119 It's Going To Take A Long Time To Sort This Out

I'd say that most people who live in the US are very tuned in to their TVs as we follow the news.

If this is not the biggest wake up call!!!!  More and more people are using their words, making it perfectly clear that they are not happy with not only what has happened, but why it happened.  Why would we have a capitol building that is so easily accessed?  It was a piece of cake.  Climb the walls, break the windows, have a pot party, pee on the statues, intimidate officers, destroy property....and much more.  And we sat at home and watched the whole thing!  Have a wild time, let's go kick some ass.  Now 5 people are dead. Anyone who thinks this should be taken lightly is out of their mind.  I understand that people have differences, but we need to make a bigger effort to listen to each other and work together.  What just happened proved how fragile we are and how our illustrious leader (who started programming this in 2015) was able to attract and handle a very large number of people who thought they were going to be helped by him.  Did he help them?  Or did he use them to do his dirty work?  Like many others, I am livid and unable to be quiet about this.  Whose idea was it to have less security than they knew was needed?  Believe me, the truth will eventually come out.  The individuals who voted against accepting the results of the vote in the Electoral College, when they really knew that the election was legitimate, had an ulterior motive.  Over 60 judges and the Supreme Court determined that the fraud charges were not valid and they threw the bums out.  The "puppets" all did what they were told and made sure Trumps message was repeated until his followers believed it.  Long before the election, he knew he was in trouble and was determined to come up with a plan that would predict the election was going to be rigged...and that it was in fact rigged.  He was protecting his ego.  I could write a book about how I feel.  We all need to be held accountable for our words and actions.  


Decency and integrity have been missing for too long.

And to all my friends who live out of the country....I hope we can earn back your respect someday.  Can't imagine how you feel after watching us for the past 4 years.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.

Night all.


  1. I'm with you. I was shocked this year more often than not. BLM protestors were treated quite differently that the Trump Mob was. I'm still trying to sort this all out and why our country kept turning a blind eye to a man whose only intention seemed to be ruining our democracy and serving himself.

    It will be ages to sort this all out. All that and a horrible Pandemic too.

  2. Since Weds when all this happened, I've been watching all the news reports, and reading/following posts like yours on facebook. I agree with you that it's all such a sad time for America and a sad day when Twitter holds donald trump more accountable than the GOP. But I'll confess to being a bit saturated from it all, and as my day ends, I'm watching "Kids Baking Championship" - can those kids bake or what??!!

  3. Twitter has started the right way to treat D T, and maybe this will trigger off more penalties. Yes, how easy was it to storm the building, too many dead, and those who believe in that man need to take a long hard look at their own beliefs. I read Michele Obama's words, The start for a new President is a tough road, he will need help galore, and from the right people. Down here I can ignore the ones that were involved in this riot or mad mania, and know for so many others, this is not their way The real US is with my friends, and I hope with all my heart you will all rise above this day and carry on in the way you know is right.

  4. You are spot on Lori with this assessment of how far this has gone on with no accountability, just lies upon lies till it’s repeated enough to believe. Brilliant professors will be analyzing these bizarre irrational minds for many years. It makes me ashamed of people I use to think as friends who say that this president didn’t stir the pot. Are they not watching the same news I am seeing on many networks with what he said at the rally??? If they see nothing wrong with this behavior nor the fact that he illegally was calling to have votes “found” so he could be proclaimed the GA winner, then I question the morals and integrity of them as well. Kathy

  5. Very well put. And this has nothing to do with whether someone is a democrat or republican. We need multiple parties to balance each other. This is about honesty and decency, right and wrong. I still have hope though.

  6. I really cannot believe that Trump hasn't been impeached before this! The storming of the Capitol was a coup and democracy is the greatest loser in all this. Not to mention the blatant racism with letting all the protestors go home. We all know it would have been a bloodbath if it was BLM...

    Love your shots.


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