Saturday, January 9, 2021

Post #7120 Two Good Things Happened Today.....

The sun came out and the Bills won their game.

Night all.

Thank you for all the comments the past two days regarding the mess our country is in.
The more we learn, the scarier it becomes.

*Thousands of posts were on FB discussing the plans for this event

*The Chief of the Capitol Police (now fired) certainly should have known what was coming

*The video put on YouTube by the President's son while they were waiting for the rally, was encouraging action and I'm pretty sure it was seen by the participants

*The rioters included policemen, veterans, elected officials (at least one) along with those who have been on the Trump Train for years

*They obviously were very familiar with what was located where in the building

*One of the women who died was trampled by this group

*To hear people saying they want to hang Pence and get Pelosi was outrageous!

*I am very embarrassed that even after this event, the majority of Republicans voted to reject the results from the Electoral College.  When they did that, they were voting against over 60 judges and the Supreme Court who said there was no fraud.  They knew it!  People like Graham, Cruz, Hawley and many others like them have been kissing butt for years.... What's the real reason they blindly condoned so many things?

*A few people I know don't like the fact that "Trump gets blamed for everything" and one says we should be trying harder to listen to what his followers are saying.  OK.  What I would love to do is go 1 question at a time....ask why, and really discuss the differences.  Where do we agree and what can we do to better understand each other.  I don't expect everyone to be on the same page, but I do expect decency and respect as we try to work things out.  You will never convince me that what just happened in Washington is the right way to try and make things better.  Those who participated, from the top down, need to be held accountable for their actions.  The videos I have seen are beyond appalling.

*So what's next?  Is it even safe to have a live inauguration?  Do they not want to appear intimidated by the plans that are currently being made?  Do they want a war zone? I fear for what can happen to those in attendance.  Something has to be done by someone to make sure they are safe.

I could write a book.



  1. I needed to see your serene pictures of the kitties snuggled into pillows and bedding on your couch next to the puppy dogs. Brought a smile to my face. It is nice to see pets loved and warm inside your home. I am hoping Monday we see our elected officials do their jobs before they encounter more to regret. The current president is unfit to make any decision with his his tyrants and unstable behavior so do the right thing and send him away. He should be jailed actually like the rest of his criminal buddies. Kathy

  2. Last night I read some of the posts put out on the conservative site Parler regarding how there was going to be an attack at the inauguration. The highlights were 'showing' why this platform was being shut down by Google, Apple, and the servers that held the website. I read it out loud because it was nearly unbelievable what people will right for everyone to see!
    In one way it is necessary to see it to understand the depth of damage that 45 has done to divide our nation.
    In the second way, it is frightening beyond belief.

    Thank you for the beautiful photos and I am glad that a couple of good things happened in your world today.


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