Sunday, January 10, 2021

Post #7121 It's Hard To Tune Out

Back to grey again.

Other than going to Wegmans and making chicken soup, today was no different than
most of our days.  We are in solitary most of the time, and having conversations with friends
on the phone gives us breaks in the day.
I am really going to try and contain myself when it comes to the state of affairs in our country.  The more I hear and read, the more ticked I get.  And the more ticked I get at some of the people I know who think they have some answers that I don't agree with.  What has happened here is not ok in any way, shape or form.  It's going to take a lot to bring back decency, where people can disagree on something and not put us in a war zone.  So afraid of the possibilities that could happen next week.

Anyway,  I had chore duty tonight.....

and the soup was delicious.
The second course was cottage cheese and be followed by a couple Danish butter cookies.
My buddies always hang out with me while I'm on the computer.

Night all.



  1. I have some cleaning out to do this week so it’s not forgotten about when spring returns. I will concentrate on that all week so I am not thinking about Inauguration Day. I doubt this will be over for a while so wise to just let it be in the hands of those who can do something.
    My daughter keeps a running list in her mind of jobs that she wouldn’t have wanted through this pandemic and protests and now we are adding politicians cause they all need body guards, FBI cause their job is wayyyyy too hard right now and Google and Twitter employees who had to work day and night monitoring accounts for violent posts. So yup, being home safe isn’t so bad right now. Kathy

  2. The most frightening thing to me is people like my wonderful kind neighbors on the ridge who I have always admired who still think this president is a good person and has done so much for the country.
    I am wondering what they Kool-Aid they have been drinking. They are non violent and very god-fearing.
    It is pretty frightening in a way as they are kind and caring folks.
    Apparently they feel the events are not 'his' fault and he still is a good leader. Mostly because they say he is Pro Life.


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