Monday, January 11, 2021

Post #7122 Still Unfolding

It started snowing while I was cleaning the stalls.

Poor Angel has been gimpy for days.  We think she was kicked in the butt and
the Vet will come to check her tomorrow morning.

All of the snow melted by this afternoon and it was beautiful for awhile.
This is the very end of the flowers I got before Christmas.
Can't believe they lasted this long.
Of course the fire was going all day....and you know what that means.

Dinner was delicious.  Pork chops with caramelized onions, leftover rice and a salad.
Night all.


What have I learned since yesterday?

Well!  Last night some friends posted a video they found on parler and it was the scariest thing I have seen.  A very slick, short piece

and I'm sorry I did not video the whole thing.  It was under three minutes long and was created by a very professional producer/videographer.  I shared it, asking if it was for real and by midnight it was removed and parler was shut down.  Here's my question.  Did he do it on his own putting together clips or did the President have him do it? It led up to changes that may take place on January 20th.   Did anyone see it?

It sounds like the Capitol Police asked for help (in advance) from the National Guard and they were refused.  Who is the person that refused them?

Can you imagine how all of these elected officials feel about spending time at the Capitol and then the inauguration?

It sounds like plans are being made (from the 16th to the 20th) to attack? the 50 state capitals and then the inauguration.  I sure hope they are all prepared if this really happens.

Hawley and Cruz are not being well received in their home states.



  1. Thanks for sharing so I see now why that app has been removed. It is frightening his cult followers have so little in their lives that this becomes their mission based on lies. Today I started thinking of a few Christian friends who still believe in this maniac who threw his own VP under the bus. How Christian can he even be when he holds a Bible up side down, has never said a full decent prayer or psalm in any speech and then took his entire weekends to golf, never attending church.
    I go nowhere, stay close to home, and won’t spend any money till after inauguration. And I was furious when I saw footage on tonight’s news of masks being declined when they were being handed out while senate was in secure hiding, Kathy

  2. The FBI has warned that armed protests are planned at all State Capitols ... all 50 State Capitols. The damage that the cult pres has done is horrible.
    The Corporate backlash has started too.
    The cost of insurrection is going to hit many in the pocket book.

    There is so much I could say.

    Take some time for yourself and stay well.


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