Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Post #7123 Alternative News

We are still in the grey zone.

The Vet arrived a little after 9 to try and figure out what has made Angel so gimpy after she was kicked.

Karen took her over to the grooming room where she was thoroughly examined.  X-rays, ultra sound and more.  Fortunately, no broken bones, no abcess, no torn muscles.  But what the heck is keeping her on three legs?  After losing Maggie to a broken leg, this is not what Karen needed.  Hopefully Angel will improve over the next few days.
The horses were especially anxious when she was not with them for their morning hay.  They knew something was going on.

No cooking tonight.
Picked up a thin crust pizza from Veggies.
Night all.

There are so many different opinions regarding what is going on in our country, and who is responsible for what.  The videos that are being posted are more and more frightening.  One group predicted that Trump was going to have some shocking news when speaking from Alamo, Texas at 3pm today.  He talked about the wall and here is a sidebar from that speech (that I found on a YouTube site I had never heard of).  Unless I missed it, the message they were predicting was not given.  The conversations going on FB pages are real eyeopeners and led me to this.  I'm amazed how anyone from any party can look at what happened at the capitol and think it was appropriate. 
People are saying that "we are at war" and the next few days are going to be very dark.
I call that scary.



  1. Amid all this strife, let all your horses, doggies and you and your family stay well and safe.The vet report sounded promising. Even down here, how could anyone think that D T is sane, speaks correctly and did not incite the riot? Nancy Pelosi has a hard decision, now or later? I hope all my friends are far enough away from the possible outcome of another riot. Stay strong Lori, your words are from your heart.XXXXX

  2. The election is over, people voted like they have for many years except with more absentee ballots, a new president will be sworn in and I can’t believe there are still those who can’t accept there will be no other change to this electoral system. No one got this upset four years ago. The electoral college was okay then to him. What a denial that the dictator will not be staying. It is scary that people live in some fantasy world and think violence is the answer by supporting what happened. Kathy

  3. Wow that screen shot of djt makes him look more strange and orange than ever. Alternative news is by far the scariest thing I've seen. And people are eating it up. If you see things enough on the internet...it must be true right? Well, no really.
    His words were not appropriate, I'd love to know who 'analyzed' them for him. Jeeze.

    Don't give up hope on Angel. We were told that Sunshine would never come out of her collateral ligament tear years ago. I think it was months of indoor stall rest in a large pen, and then months in an outdoor pen with her foal sister. She did recover and is now my main ride. We surmised that she was chasing coyotes in the summer pasture when she injured herself.
    Crossing my fingers for Angel. Bad muscle bruise maybe?
    Have you tried calling a chiropractor or acupuncture vet for her? We have a vet that rehabbed many injuries with alternative medicine. Just a thought.


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