Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Post #7117 Nothing Normal About Today

Except for morning chores and sitting by the fire....

I make a quick trip to Tractor Supply for grain and bedding so 
I could be home in time to watch what was going on in the House and Senate.
Watched Cruz (did not like what he had to say), Schumer, Amy K. and Mitch M.
I was really surprised by his message and it's the only time I could half agree with what he said.
The crowd around the capital was getting bigger, and all of a sudden all hell broke loose
with people getting into the building.
My was not remotely prepared, knowing that this could happen.
This is Trump's America.  He and Rudy sent the people there after his rally.
There has to be a major consequence for what has gone on.
If Congress does not dump him tonight (for insanity) they will enable him to do more damage.
No mercy.  I have had it with the disregard this man has for decency!!!!
No way am I shutting my mouth tonight.
The 12 members of congress who are spouting off about the
electoral college vote.....I hope they are real proud of the man they are supporting.
Forget party.  How about integrity?  The rest of the world does not like what they are seeing.
Enough of this game playing.  They have all gotten away with too much for too long.
And yet (before this afternoon) I know people who still think Trump is just terrific.
I wonder if anyone has changed their mind.  People in his own party are finally 
speaking out.
Trump loves these guys!  And look at them inside the building!!!!
There was destruction, intimidation and moblike behavior.
This pee brain was in Pelosi's office.
Did you ever see the movie (can't remember the name of it), where congress was meeting
and one of the cabinet members was placed in the bunker (guess that happens) in case anything should happen.  The building was blown up, everyone was killed and he had to take over as President.
Today reminded of that.
We have enough going on with this pandemic and what happened today is going to
be a big game changer heaped on us. What's next?  Will we find out tomorrow?
I'm so glad Congress will continue the process at 8pm tonight.

This is what ended up making my day.
Thank you Georgia.  You have given us the opportunity to return to sanity.
I did manage to make dinner, and now I want to get back to the news.
Night all.




  1. I totally agree this bully who incites his base followers into the same stupidity of lies he spews from his mouth should be out of Washington as he does not care for no one but himself. I have no tolerance for the baseless claims that this election was stolen.Stolen???? How?????
    Nothing but a crybaby and sore loser would invent that reason. Keep speaking your mind Lori and let others know this behavior is not acceptable. Kathy

  2. Lori, speak out and keep doing so. I saw some of the riots on my laptop, and the destruction of the reporters' gear. I could have cried, as I know how I would feel if it was just my Canon and second hand small tripod, their gear would run into the many thousands, the lives terrorised, one lady shot, I feel for you all living in US, and hope with the Georgia results, that Joe Biden has huge inner strength to overcome this maniac whose name is D T.Maybe tomorrow will dawn a better day, be strong, As we say down here, " Kia Kaha" A heap of love to you and yours as you battle the odds XXX

  3. The one thing I do give the police .. is they did not give the mob any reason to become martyrs. That would have enraged the mob further.
    I think they should have been better prepared but who knows why?
    I could not leave my laptop once I began to watch.
    Invoke the 25th amendment please someone!
    At least they stopped his Twitter acct and FB acct. They should take away his phone and censor him at least.
    Madness, utter madness. But are we surprise? No.

  4. Dear Lori, thank you for expressing exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. Trump incited his followers--many of whom are anarchists but others are simply Americans who have fallen for his con. However, so many Republicans--in fact, the majority of them in Congress--became obsequious four years ago and have supported his lies and delusions. His demagoguery. And if he isn't removed today, I suspect the next 13 days are going to bring more sedition from his most active followers. And who knows what he will incite after January 20? We the people--all the citizens of the United States--are reaping what we sowed. A refusal to accept back in 1994 the Newt Gingrich hated of federal government and the growing states' rights attitude of Republicans. Well, I'll get down off my rocking horse now and simply say that I want to walk away from being so judgmental about all Trump's followers. And try to understand those who are just simply American caught up in what Hermann Melville, the 19th century writer--would call, "The Confidence Game" of Trump. Peace.

  5. Kathy, Nancy, Val and Dee....Thank you for all your comments. Today, the more I find out the more furious I get. Many people are calling for the 25th amendment while others don't have enough spine to dump our President. Another impeachment will be on the way. Trump's America is pretty ugly.


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