Friday, January 22, 2021

Post #7133 Finding Old Photos

Today we had some lake effect snow and the temperature was in the low 30s all day.

After chores I made myself go through a file cabinet full of papers that I have ignored for a couple of years.  Found some proofs taken when Steph and Jen were little.  Helen Phillips was the photographer and she had this set in her studio.  Pretty country looking....and it was long before we moved to our farm.  Can you believe those haircuts????  And look at those clothes!!!!
Around 44 years ago.

Also found this photo of Berlin's sire, the Trakehner, Borallis.
I see a lot of him in Berlin.
And then there is this prom photo of Steph.  She'll probably kill me for posting it.
Gary ended up snow blowing the driveway while the pups and I vegged inside.
We don't even know what day it is anymore....they are all quite the same.

I made a good German style dinner.
Fried apples and onions....
mashed potatoes....
and sausage with sauerkraut.
Really good.
Night all.



  1. I do truly hope that Steph forgives you for posting a photo, I found some of our grand-daughter when she was little and posted on Instagram, and sent her a collage with more. Her 19th birthday today,so a great reason to celebrate.Keep warm.

  2. What a beautiful bedspread! So colorful! I need to swap out to one of my other ones soon and get some other colors in the tiny bedroom.
    Fun old photos.

  3. Loved seeing the old photos. And I agree about seeing a lot of Berlin's sire in her. He was a beauty.


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