Saturday, January 23, 2021

Post #7134 A Little More Snow

As soon as I went out this morning, started shoveling the driveway.  Gary came out and helped and we were done in no time. Love it when it is light and fluffy.  Karen fed the horses this morning so I did not have to hurry. 

This afternoon when Gary was taking a nap, Little Wonder took full advantage of his lap.

I'm telling you, the fire turns us into wet noodles.
Did not even look at the TV until after 4 today.  Wow, that is monumental since I was glued to it for months.  Of course there is already a lack of cooperation....but I am going to ignore it and hope for the best.  For now, it is good for my brain to catch a break.
Chore duty tonight.

I went shopping at Wegmans earlier and was not in the mood to make a big meal, so we settled for beans and hot dogs for dinner.  With some of Gary's homemade dill pickles.

Night all.
A pretty uneventful day.

1 comment:

  1. We had Brats and beans last night with fruit on the side. Boring meal. I hate making up meals!


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