Thursday, January 21, 2021

Post #7132 Time to Quit Talking About Trump. Let's Move On.

We still have a little snow on the ground and the water trough had ice in it this morning.                     Still grey of course.

I am no longer glued to the television and feel so removed from Trump.
Our friend Judy treated us to lunch from Greg'ry's today.  Wraps and soup.
We're still celebrating.
This afternoon I got out my uke and practiced a few songs.
Love singing into a mic and looking for some new material for our group.
Still in hibernation mode and feel so lazy.

No big dinner tonight.  Just leftovers.
Ahhhhhhhh.  The pause that refreshes.
Night all.


  1. Seemed so good not to have my jaw drop to the floor watching the evening news for the first time in the four years. No more drama, no temper tantrums, no bragging, just pure responsible adults leading our nation. Even Dr Fauci looks younger without fear of retribution over him. Kathy

  2. I agree that the media must stop talking about him and his family. For three days now it’s been where the kids are going to live, what she got off the plane wearing , how they’ve all got secret service etc. who cares! They’re done, get over it and stop hyping them in the media. The sooner the name disappears the easier to forget them.

  3. Dear Lori, I so hope that "he who is now to be named, or his family" will NOT BE NAMES on the National News media. I hope it will be as in New Zealand when the home-grown terrorist killed so many and the country's prime minister put a moratorium on saying his name. New Zealanders followed her led and so he didn't achieve the attention for which he probably hoped. Let's do that too! Peace.

  4. What a great idea to take the orange person's name completely out of the news. I'd like to see it off buildings too, but oh well. I don't care what tantrums he is now having. And for the first time in years I have not looked at the news first thing when waking up.

    I look at the weather. And that is enough!
    Stay well!


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