Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Post #7131 The Inauguration - A New Day for Our Country

So far (6:31pm) the transfer of power has been peaceful.

What a day!

Started off with chores, more snow and a grey day.

Then, it was time to tune in.  I missed Trumps exit as I was doing chores.

It was nice to see the our past presidents....

and it could not have been an easy time for VP Pence.
Under the circumstances, I give him a lot of credit for doing the right thing.

Lady Gaga outdid herself and that's when I started crying.

And the medley by Jennifer Lopez was perfect.

I appreciate Garth Brooks participating on behalf of unity.
So needed,

Much more went on after the swearing in.
I was not alone in the crying department...what an emotional time for our country.
Actually heard people on Fox gave positive comments about Biden's speech.
It would be so nice if this could be a turning point.
I'm sure most of you were tuned in today and this is a repeat.
Just wanted it to be part of my Journal.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the sun came out and I continued watching.

Made another simple vegetarian dinner and we ate early as Gary had a 6:30pm conference call.

Night all.

And there is more to come tonight.



  1. The ceremony tonight was spectacular. Loved seeing all three presidents together showed the unity we have lacked the last four years.
    I hope the media focuses on moving ahead and not dwell on how miserable it’s been. I am sure they are feeling relief not to have to run and fact check every statement. It was a memorable day. Kathy

  2. Mike Pence outdid himself, so good to see him there. A wonderful speech, everyone dressed for the cold day, I did wonder how many layers of thermal underwear they had on!!! Past presidents, I did see Bill Clinton with his eyes shut at one stage, masks the norm, all colour matched to the smart outfits, beautiful leather gloves, and the mall a sea of flags. let this be the start of a new regime for you all, and better relations with other countries too.

  3. It was beautiful, I listened to it on the radio. Lots of sighs from me. So much more heart felt than anything we have seen in years.
    Finally we have someone who cares about not just himself and cares for our people.
    I feel better than I have in 4 yrs.

  4. Big sigh! I watched the whole thing too. So nice to see regular caring genuinely nice people for a change. Oh, and someone qualified for the job. All pluses. Now we can maybe relax a little. I’m hoping for some slow news days and a lot less tweeting and lying. I think the world just breathed a sigh of relief and optimism too.


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