Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Post #7130 Almost....

We had about an inch of snow last night and the temperature remained in the low 30s today.

After chores I drove to Batavia for a dental appointment.  Looks like a new crown is in my future.  The molar that broke had a crown on it from 10 years ago.
Back home, started a fire and relaxed much of the afternoon.

I ended up taking apart the bouquet Nancy and Tom sent us, as a few of the flowers were fading.
Ended up making three little arrangements to bring more spring into our house.

Today I watched Joe Biden as he was preparing to leave Delaware, heading to Washington.
It was a very emotional time for him and clearly demonstrated his humility.
I was in grad school at Syracuse University while he was there in law school and
we had all our meals in the same dining hall.

We had a little more snow this afternoon, but nothing to write home about.

The sun returned for a short time.

A big salad was on the menu tonight so I made a batch of croutons.

Late afternoon, Joe and Kamala were in Washington on the mall,
to honor the lives that have been lost to Covid.

It was another emotional event, and he demonstrated what it will be like to have a real, caring President.

The salad was delicious.
Romaine, shallots, cherry tomatoes, ham, cheddar cheese, hard boiled eggs and croutons.
When we have just a salad for dinner....it's a BiG one.
Night all.

I sure hope the inauguration is peaceful tomorrow.
It will be nice to have some grace back in the Oval Office.



  1. I watched it all today too. How refreshing. Hope it’s peaceful tomorrow too.

  2. A speech from his heart as they prepared to fly to Washington D C. Tomorrow our early morning Breakfast on TV One will start at 5.30 a.m. instead of 6 a.m. We still have one NZ reporter there, so should get the news as it happens. Let it all be safe and peaceful.

  3. We’ll be watching it all tomorrow as I feel bad he isn’t having all the pomp and circumstance he so deserves. Hopefully tv ratings will show how much we care even if people can’t be in attendance. What a job he has ahead of him but at least he isn’t a team of one like the one ahead of him who finally will be gone. Kathy


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