Saturday, October 31, 2020

Post #7049. Why????????

Be prepared.  Today I reached my capacity in many ways and I am going to use my words.

It was a crispy start to the day, but we had some gorgeous sunshine.

When I finished doing chores I looked across the street and this is what I saw.
Several men were on the corner lot setting up these banners and tables of junk.
It appeared that they were going to sell this stuff.
Don't you especially love the banner with Trump holding a weapon?

I asked the property owner (who does not live there) what was going on and she
immediately was on the scene asking them to take the banners down as she did not approve 
of what they represented.  They took them down....

and ten minutes later put up new banners.  Confederate flags, Don't tread on me, and others.
Nice!  No respect for the owner.  She returned again and had them take down more.
They did leave a few up and it did not appear that they had much business.  The lot is
co-owned, and apparently the other owner gave them permission to have a "garage sale."
Not may favorite way to start my day, and I felt sorry for the owner who would never have allowed this to happen on the property.  Garage sale my foot.  An excuse to push politics.
As if that was not bad enough, when I got in the house and turned on the TV, I saw a video showing the Biden/Harris bus surrounded by vehicles filled with Trump supporters and it appeared that some of them had weapons.  Did they want to run it off the road?  This was on Friday in Texas.  We are in big trouble if this is what it's going to be like for the foreseeable future.  What happened to civility?  Of course I expect people to be supportive of their candidates....and there will always be differences, but this is totally out of control.  Does this bother anyone else??????

Made a trip to Weggies and picked up one of Danny's favorites.
No cooking tonight. 

Tucked in the ponies and am ready to get out by the fire.

Night all.



  1. Yes, it bothers me and I find such behavior disgusting. One can only hope such lawlessness will be brought under control when there is a new president leading the country.
    Park City, UT

  2. Yes, it really bothers me, too. I would have been distraught to find that display across the street from my house. Sorry that happened to you. I am really worried about unrest as the election nears although I have never seen so many people vote here so we can only hope. Stay safe and well.

  3. It all bothers me soooo much! It’s not the difference of political thought, it’s the absence of any ethical thought or behavior. I have had to declare “ no news days” to reduce the stress.

  4. I had a phone conversation with a friend in Alabama yesterday. She said she had to shut down her phone and ipad due to the disturbing news just like this.
    To have it happen in front of your place? OMG, I would have been distressed to no end. And what is with the rebel flags?
    I saw the bus incident on the news and it frightened me to my core.
    I am also disgusted and ashamed.
    tRump photoshopped onto the face of Sylvester Stallone holding a weapon? Good God, he never served in the military with his bone spurs.
    I could go on and on, but I won't.

  5. Yes, it definitely bothers me too. The whole thing makes me upset whenever I see one of his signs.

  6. That’s very disturbing. I would have been fuming. They have no respect for anything or anybody and they have been given the go ahead to be disruptive and obnoxious from their leader. In my opinion take your feelings to the voting booth and shut up. Good god I hope we don’t have another four years of this crap. I honestly don’t think I can take it.

    By the way saw a great bumper sticker today “Make Orwell fiction again”. And a good yard sign...Make lying wrong again! Fingers crossed for good news after Tuesday.

  7. Thanks to all of you for leaving these comments. As Jon Katz said today, it's like being in a never ending boxing match.


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