Friday, October 30, 2020

Post #7048 Faaaareeeezin....

Cold enough for the dogs to wear their coats....
and the horses needed their blankets.

As you can see, we are still very muddy.

Made power bowls for lunch.

Nice for a change.
I picked a few things out of the I had no carrots to make coleslaw for dinner.
The pups ran around while I gathered a ginormous beet and some greens.
They will be frozen tonight.

Never get tired of coleslaw.
We also had roasted potatoes
and white hots (no nitrates).
Tonight we are dipping into the mid 20s.
Night all.


  1. We had about 2-3 inches of snow. Very wet and heavy. Horses had their stuff on too. Going down to 21 tonight. This is ridiculous.

  2. Yum! Things look wonderful to eat! Chilly here too, I had to plug in the tank heater. I had to wear my coveralls!
    We will warm up to 50 tomorrow and have winds!

  3. Mid 20F and as I translate that to Celsius, so glad we are edging into summer. No wonder your veges will be so white and frizzled in the morning. We are picking beetroot now too, but at the start of our growing season.


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