Friday, September 27, 2019


Chores.  Special Olympics Interpretive Panel dedication.
Home. Last hay delivery. Meeting with graphic designer.  Stopped at Hanny's.
Home.  High School Homecoming Parade. Home.
Morgan Manning for art opening.  Home.

 The Brockport Community Museum (a Museum without walls)
did an outstanding job, collaborating with the college and getting everything together.

The people in the photo below were all there in 1979.   This morning Gary found my hat ....
which got a lot of attention.  The red metals were from the Russian sculptor who built this
beautiful piece and gifted it to our campus.

 So glad we were able to attend this dedication.
It brought back a lot of memories.  Gary was in charge of all the volunteers
and I worked with the chaperone assistants, who were each assigned an athelete.

 This is the greenest hay I have ever gotten....Berlin will be happy.

 The Homecoming parade was short and sweet.
 Mary and I rode in Richard B's 65 Mustang.

 Hundreds of people were in the parade and a huge crowd was along the route.

 This is our School Superintendent, Leslie M.  She was into the celebration.

 It was a beautiful evening and Brockport won the game.
(which was just over when I got home....on tv)
 My last stop was the art opening at the Morgan Manning House.

 The carriage house was jammed with art and people.
 Another successful show.

 I ran into some friends and did not get home until 9:30.
Really need some rest after this marathon.

Night all.


  1. I don't know how you manage to fit it all in in one day. What would you do with a day off?

  2. You are crazy busy!
    Me? Well just driving hubby to appts and getting things done. My winter hay should have been delivered today. ooopss.... maybe tomorrow? Depends on the weather.


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