Saturday, September 28, 2019

Happy Birthday Dear Grampa.....

Not quite as busy today.

 Chores, Wegmans, Country Max, zucchini to Jenny, sign put on Hollybrook Rd.,
beets and flowers to the Blacks......

It rained off and on all day.

 While I was out doing errands, Gary did the hand mowing and
when I got home I did the rest of the lawn.  Then it rained again.

 There's that eye again....

 I had chore duty tonight and needed an umbrella to get to the barn.
Little Wonder got soaked.  Of course Phoebe stayed on the porch.

 Got back to the house just when Jenny, Scott, Finn and Coop arrived
for Grampa's birthday dinner.

 It was delicious.

Maybe I will go to bed early.

Night all.


  1. Subterfuge and a birthday dinner, wow, a rest is next on your list. Many Happy Birthday Greetings, Gary, I am sure you had a wonderful family time.

  2. Happy Birthday Gary! Looks like a great day for family.


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