Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Flowers for My Kitchen Table

A cool, bright morning with no humidity and no need to put fans on in the house.

 Class at 10:30.

 Three of my students picked spinach and Kathy took home some rhubarb.

I did not have to hose or sponge the girls today.
 So refreshing!

 We had a Town Board Workshop tonight but I left by 6 to get over to the
Cooper Center. There was a reception for the new CEO at Oak Orchard Health.
Gary is on the Board of Directors there.
As usual, the food was spectacular.

 Jim Cummings retired as the CEO
 and Mary Ann Pettibon took over the position on May 7th.
 About 80 people were there and she was very impressed and grateful.
A nice fit.
Home by 7:30.

 The flower and veggie gardens are doing well.

 I was able to bring home a centerpiece.
 Perfect for my kitchen table.

Night all.


  1. Your golden day lilies, beautiful colours with the variegated leaves in the other plants.And the table setting, another lot of gorgeousness.

  2. Glad you got a cooler day. Looks like everyone was happy about that. Beautiful flowers . Your gardens look great. Which reminds me I have to get out weeding today.

  3. Dear Lori, every time you post the art work done by your students I can feel a twinge of envy. I have little talent, but when I was young I did take lessons (from 5th to 9th grade). As an adult I've never done anything with watercolors or oils but I always think how wonderful it would be to just try!

    I look for classes, but because I can't drive anymore (due to Glaucoma), I can't sign up for anything, so I must simply admire from afar. Maybe in my next life I'll take up the paintbrush, rather then the pen! Peace.


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