Monday, June 18, 2018

A Very Cool Afternoon

It was 80 degrees before 7am.
We ended up in the 90s with high humidity.
Berlin and Abbe were sponged
Maggie and Angel were hosed.

 Obviously Little Wonder was not thrilled.

 Once again we closed all the window in the house and put the fans on.
It was much cooler than it was outside.

 I put the dogs in and went back out to mow the lawn.
As usual I was on the lawn tractor and Gary did the hand mowing.
 The lawn looked great
 but it's been so dry it's turning brown.

 I needed to be in Brockport by noon for an afternoon of lunch and bridge, so I quit just in time to grab a shower.
Today we met at Lorna's house and she made us a spectacular meal!
Chicken salad, orzo salad, pickled beets and crusty bread.

After we played a few hands, we had dessert.
Strawberries and whipped cream on pound cake.
Everything was so delicious.
 By the time we left it was 5pm.  Another vacation day!
I stopped in Brockport on the way home
 and picked up a Reuben Balboa at Barber's so there was no need to
make dinner.
 Somewhere around 6 the power went off.
Yuck!!!!  The house was hot, no fans and very uncomfortable.
While I was at Lorna's we had a minor rainfall.  I was hoping for more.

 A little color showed up in the back garden today.

 I went back out to the barn (which was still warm)
and sponged off Abbe and Berlin.  Angel and Maggie were hosed earlier.
 The power was back on by 8.  Now all the windows are open and the fans are going
so we can cool this big old farmhouse off.
Tomorrow should be much cooler!
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. We hit 95 yesterday and it was miserable. Thankfully, we had a huge thunderstorm and it’s cooled off today.
    Everything looks good at your place, we could use more rain too.


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