Sunday, June 17, 2018

Close All the Windows....

A hot one today.
Before doing chores we closed all the windows and put on some fans.
That included the fan in the barn.
I set up hay bags in the run-in section as they were going to be spending
a lot of time out of the sun today.  Also cleaned the water trough and put the rest of the hay under the shed roof.
(warning! lots of videos today for my jam pals)

Maggie and Angel got hosed and I sponged off Berlin and Abbe.

 Gary did a LOT of watering today.
 I went out around 10 and finished mowing the big pasture.
They are all done now.
 At noon I took a quick shower and went down to our Sunday Jam.
We had a lot of fun with some new and old songs.
Fortunately, the gallery was nice and cool.
Kathy brought in this one and the chords were a piece of cake.
We are getting pretty good when we play things for the first time.

Tom and Nancy's kids came in to listen, with a Father's Day celebration afterwards.

A couple of us went to Java afterwards and I did not get home until 4:30.
Delicious leftovers for dinner.
Night all.


  1. I sprayed Todd yesterday with the hose, and I'd say he enjoyed it as much as Maggie and Angel did - A welcome relief in this heat, and after working in the yard, I'll admit I thought about doing it to myself! :-)

  2. You horsies are beautiful
    Lily & Edward


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