Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I'll Take It!

Another gorgeous day that stayed in the 70s.
We still need rain.

 After chores I put the pups in the house and worked on removing weeds near the wall behind the indoor.  Hopefully it will be sided next month and I wanted to get a head start getting rid of anything in the way.
A little before 10 Gordon arrived to rototill the indoor and outdoor arenas.
Not quite so deep this time.
 I decided (since I got rid of my old lawn tractors) that I would rather not drag the rings...this is so much better.
The weeds grow in the outdoor within a month.
Here's a before shot.

 There is no way I could make it look like this myself.

 Our first day Lilly appeared today.  We have hundreds.
 The moon flower seeds have also started to grow.

 Gary had a dinner/board meeting tonight so I snuck down to Ralph and Rosie's for a couple slices of pizza to go.  Phoebe and Little Wonder loved eating the crust.
Afterward we went out to the barn to get an extension cord from the feed room.

 It was just hot enough for some flies to bug the girls and they were happy to be
tucked in by Karen.

 The clematis blossoms are starting to fade.

 I don't know where I got the burst of energy, but I changed the furniture around in the living room today.  It gave me a reason to do some cleaning.
 By early evening, the light was really gorgeous.

Night all.


  1. We had similar days...I weeded and weed whacked, had rototilling done in the outdoor arena, can’t keep up with those weeds! Nice weather in the 70’s and my dogs love pizza crusts too.

  2. Oh, and your living room looks great!

  3. You have such a beautiful place! Wow!


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