Monday, December 11, 2017

Get Out Your Shovel...

After I let the dogs out this morning, I shoveled a path back to the barn
and dug out my little plastic sled so I could carry grain and hot water easily.
 Didn't Superman go out and start the snowblower to clear out the entire driveway!
(You tell him Tom Root!  He insisted that he could do it.)

 Phoebe went back in the house and Little Wonder stayed out with me...until 10am.
 I cleared out some of the snow and set up the hay in the front paddock.
 Also created a path to the indoor out of a bale of hay that must be 3 years old.
We use it when the footing gets bad.  Of course Abbe thought it tasted just fine.

 I had a lot going on midday, so I went to Agape at 11 and did not have time to do my entire drill.
 That's because I met Judy at Java for lunch.
 Every table was full and

 I ordered my old standard, the Greek Pannini with a salad.
Messy but so good.
 After that I went up to the Rec Center for an Association meeting
and when I got back to the farm, started making corn chowder.
(Needed to do something with the leftover bacon).

I must admit that it was just as good as the last batch.
Gary said I've got this down!
 The hibiscus had disappeared by this morning, but the
 flowers on the kitchen table are really hanging in there.

It's just a little after 6 and I am ready to put on
some jams and get out by the fire.
Night all.


  1. Your life at your farm always sounds wonderful. Always good to see Little Wonder. Had a dog just like him growing up.

  2. It is getting cold here in SW Ohio and we had our first snow on Saturday. Agree sitting in my jams is the way to go this evening.

  3. And as for the superman on the blower, beware tidings for him if that knee gives and trouble in the week ahead. Beautiful flowers.

  4. Dear Lori, I have come to really appreciate your cooking ability. Your photographs of what you are serving for supper or any other meal always have me salivating!

    I'm enjoying your postings on Facebook. I seldom ever leave comments there, but I want to do better about that in the new year.

    Peace to you and the dogs and the horses and all the creatures who await your goodness each day.


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