Tuesday, December 12, 2017

More Snow....

This morning the snow was about 6 inches deep and it was heavy.
Before going out to the barn, I shoveled a path from the kitchen to the front paddock.
No picnic!  It adds a lot of time to my morning.

 Once again, Princess Phoebe went back in the house and Little Wonder helped me.
He is a real trooper.

 Gary got out the snowblower and after feeding the horses I went out to learn everything about it as I have no intention of shoveling tomorrow if we get a lot of snow tonight.
After cleaning the stalls I had just enough time to grab a quick shower before my class arrived.

 My afternoon was one of leisure....reading and hanging out by the fire.

Town Board meeting tonight, back home and now I'm going to
tune into the results of the election in Alabama.
This is a real biggie!
Night all.


  1. Glad to learn you'll be using the snowblower! Not good to stress yourself with heavy snow.

  2. The snow blower is a necessity, I can see the skis coming out of retirement any time soon.

  3. Wow! We just had a light 3 or so inches of snow and perhaps some sleet today. I don't know how to run a snow blower...or the skid steer..yet. I imagine that will be on my list.
    LW sure is a trooper!

  4. I love snow blowers, shoveling...not so much! LW is a little trooper for sure.


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