Sunday, December 10, 2017

Flowers, Videos and the Buffalo Bills Snow Fest

Off to a slow start this morning.
I started by taking pictures of the flowers on my kitchen table.
They are still hanging in there from last Sunday!

Karen feeds weekend breakfast and I don't have to get out there so early.
I lollygagged through stall cleaning.

 In the teens with the wind.
 At 1 I was down at the gallery for our Sunday Jam.
 A big crew today and we had such a good time.
We sit in a big circle and take turns picking what we want the group to to sing.  This is our very first time doing this song and it sounded great!  We have come a long way, Baby.
Here is part 1.
and the rest of the song....sort of....
There is a new show up.  It's so nice that we can play in a place surrounded by art.
 When I got back to the farm, the Buffalo Bill's game was on!  Usually I don't care if I watch, but today there was so much snow it was crazy and I could not resist tuning in.
 I thought they were going to lose, but in the end, they had to go into overtime and pulled it off.
13 to 7
I don't think I have ever seen such deep snow at a game...ever.

 Gary spent a quiet afternoon with his buddies...
 It was so ugly out I did evening chores a little early.
 Ended up putting the heavy Rambos on my girls.  Karen had already switched hers this morning.

 Phoebe did not even go out the door...just Little Wonder.
 When we got back to the house he was bugging Seymour.

 An instant replay for dinner and it was just as delicious as it was the first time!
 One of my blogging friends (M.D.) said she used the recipe I posted!
 Reading and a fire are in my future.
Night all.


  1. Had the soup again tonight and it was even more flavorful! Yum.

  2. We had quite a bit of snow on Saturday. Phoebe cracks me up. The girl likes her comforts!


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