Thursday, November 16, 2017


Another spectacular sunrise that turned grey.

 No jackets needed for the pups this morning.

 By the time I finished cleaning the stalls it was very windy.

 Do you have a lot of hawks where you live?
 I spent the afternoon finishing a book and tried to get motivated to go to the store.
Finally headed out around 4.  Gary has finished painting the first of many rooms upstairs and we are starting to set it up as a little study.

Things were hopping at Wegmans with all kinds of people who did not want to make dinner tonight.
 I was one of them.  Bought a rotisserie chicken and potato salad, then made a little
tomato salad with homemade croutons and Greek olives.
Piece of cake.
Night all.


  1. We do have a lot of hawks around here. We used to have a heron down by the pond, don't know where it went though. Too many geese also. I didn't feel like cooking!

  2. We have many hawks and eagles here. Glad that the temps must have warmed up a bit so the dogs didn't have to wear coats!


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