Wednesday, November 15, 2017


The beautiful sunrise was short lived.

We ended up with a grey, damp day.

 At noon I went down to the Lodge on the Canal for a turkey dinner for 100 people.
 I sat with members of the chorus we used to belong to.

 The chef, Jennifer L., created an excellent meal.
Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberries and rolls.
 For dessert....homemade caramel apple pie.
 This is Jennifer.  She can cook, she can bake and she is an excellent hostess.
 At 2pm an open house was held at the Rec Center on behalf of the seniors who transitioned there
on October 1st.  After being welcomed, I said a few words and the chorus sang several songs.


After they sang, a tour was given to all who were interested. 
 There was a lot of activity going on in the Gathering Room I have been working on.
The quilters displayed a quilt they are raffling off, the knitters were working on hats...
 several people were playing dominos
and I had a refresher course on how to play Euchre.
Had not played in 40 years and it was such fun!
This could turn into a habit.
 Gary has 98% of his new study painted.  By tomorrow we should be able to set it up.

Now he is at a board meeting and I am ready to put on some jams
and start reading.
Night all.


  1. A quilt, lovely hats, super chorus, and a study ready to use, I could quote from 'Pippa Passes" .... " God's in His Heaven, All's right with the world !" So true for your part of the universe, when I see the morning sky, the doggies, friends, a yummy meal, and seniors treated like royalty.

  2. What a great day! Love good food and crafts all rolled into one nice place.

  3. Wow, what a great place you guys have for Seniors. I wish we had somewhere nice close by but we don't really.


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