Friday, November 17, 2017

Roam Cafe....

Today was the day.
Gary and I finally used the gift certificate Jenny, Scott and the boys gave us for
last Christmas.  We left the farm at 11:15 and headed into Rochester.

The temperature was in the mid 30s, but the sky was brilliant.
We arrived at Roam Cafe a little early as being Friday, we did not know if it would be crowded.
 It's located at 260 Park Ave..

The atmosphere was just great and so was the relaxed energy.
We sat at a table for two in the front window and the owner put down the
awning so it would not be too bright for us.  His name is Drew and he was the
perfect host.  I asked if it was ok to take photos and he was most agreeable.
 The menu had a lot to offer on it's own, but they also had about 6 specials 
that all sounded like perfect options.

Of course we went a little crazy, as we seldom go into Rochester for lunch.
First Gary ordered a beer.
Then he had a cup of Creamy Tomato and Artichoke Bisque...
and I ordered one of their house favorites...

Both were unbelievable!
Then, Gary had a Turkey (made fresh every day) BLT with a cucumber and tomato salad.
 and I had a California Turkey Reuben with fries.
 What a treat!  Beautifully presented, unique in flavor and positively delicious.
I told Drew I was going to post about our lunch at Roam.  I hope he sees this.
Needless to say, I would give it ***** and think you should give it a try if you
have never been there.
If we go again, I would not order an appetizer first or I would get it with a salad.
The portions were so generous we were stuffed and needed a nap when we got home.

A great departure from the norm.
Night all.

All was well back at the ranch.


  1. Did they even miss you for a while? Wonderful meal, so glad you managed to get the voucher used before it expired.


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