Saturday, November 18, 2017

After Hours...

Grey all day...

 I had coffee and donuts with friends this morning,
 as we held a debriefing regarding our recent campaign.
 At 1 I went to the village to attend a ceremony for Veterans
 who were connected in some way to the College at Brockport.
 This thoughtful gift from the Brockport Student Government is now outside the Student Union.
 I have been very busy attending various community activities lately.
 I watched a little more "Longmier" when I got back to the farm and then headed out for evening chores.  Phoebe went back to the porch, as it was raining....and dark.
 Little Wonder could care less about the weather.

 At 7 we drove down to the library for their annual fundraiser
"After Hours @ Seymour Library.

 From what we heard, this was the biggest crowd ever!

 Ronnie Watts provided the entertainment.

                                                                                                       All kinds of food and wine pairings.
 Of course Mary, my partner in crime, was there.  She is the Town Board liaison to the 
Library Board and really enjoys working with them.

 We took a short break with Annie and Kathy.
 Needless to say, we had a lot of laughs.

 They auctioned off dozens of baskets and the event was a huge success.

 Our library is a real beauty and deserves all of the support that was given this evening.
Night all.


  1. What an amazing fundraising event. It's also nice to see a "living" library. They're almost becoming relics in South Africa. Partly due to the new, 23 year-old regime, in which culture reading and books didn't play a big role. But mostly due to electronic devices on which youngsters read, game and communicate with each other. Yours is beautiful.

  2. Great event! Love the horse statue. I love libraries and books, I could spend a whole day browsing in them.

  3. What a fun friends you have and what a fun (and delicious) way to start a day too! I come from a long line of librarians, so I'm all about books! I'm so glad that the fundraiser went well, there is no doubt that it will truly make a difference!


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