Sunday, October 8, 2017

What a Day!

By the time I got out to the barn this morning Karen was gone.  I need to start taking advantage of my weekend mornings and not worry about the hour.
 We got more rain and had pretty heavy winds last night, but that was not the 
case for the rest today.

 I went to the market to get tomatoes and apples, thinking I would catch Doug and his pals
supplying music....but they were not there!
So, I got back to the farm with plenty of time to take a shower and get down to our Sunday Jam.

 Katherine had my student's work hung for our opening this coming Friday and it looked terrific.
Do you know this song?  Ripple.

A good time as usual, with many new songs.
I am planning to have a Sunday jam in the indoor with a pot luck and our friends before 
it gets too cold.  That should be a good time. 
 A couple minutes before three I drove over to the library for the
"Sit Right Down and Read" chair auction.

 A very nice event and 21 buyers went home with chairs painted by local artists (Gary was one of them).  Several of my students, Gary and I contributed. A great cause and all about community.

I had chore duty tonight and went out around 6:30.
The sky was screaming pink and violet.
 Once again Abbe was a disaster and covered with wet mud that will have to 
dry before I can clean her up.

 By the time the girls were all tucked in and I had things set up for tomorrow morning....
it was dark.

 Yay!!!!!!!!  We had some leftover sauce and had spags for dinner.
I'm done.
Night all.


  1. I so love reading your blog and the chair art auction was a terrific idea. Lis

  2. Looks like the chair auction went well! Love the sky picture. Beautiful.

  3. A very successful auction, and stunning evening sky.

  4. I'm so glad the chair auction went well! Another full day for you, where do you get your energy? :-)


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