Monday, October 9, 2017

Another Broken Record For Today...

We had more than 2 1/2 inches of rain.  The last record was set in 1976.
I needed boots and umbrella to get out to the barn and the dogs insisted on coming with me.
A couple more shingles blew off the barn roof.
 Abbe is always the first out of her stall after breakfast.  She is a chub and only gets a tuna fish can of grain topped with beet pulp. While I was setting up the grain
for tonight she was wondering if there were any cookies available.
 They had hay bags under the shed roof but decide to brave the elements.
 The high for today was in the low sixties and they survived.
 They must have wanted to take a shower.
 Of course Little Wonder and Phoebe were drenched.

 I had a meeting at 9:45 and did not get home until noon.
It felt cold in the house and I ended up turning on the furnace.
This kind of weather makes me want to cook so
I decided to do a different version of an old favorite.
I sauteed an onion, added polka kielbasa and chopped cabbage...
 and let it cook down.
 I par boiled some carrots and added them to the mix.
 In the meantime I sauteed another onion and added three sliced apples.
 Once they were soft, added brown sugar so they would caramelize.
 To finish off the casserole, I added a can of mushroom soup with a little milk and mixed in some sour cream, salt, pepper and celery salt.
 Finally I made some noodles.
 Gary brought in some fresh flowers for our kitchen table.

 Dinner was delish.  My Mom used to make this with sauerkraut (instead of fresh cabbage) minus the apples on the side.  A perfect fall meal.
 Little Wonder brought his "jaxie" over to me (to see if I would get off the computer),
 but kept it
 to himself.

Right now he is napping on the bed, waiting for me to give him some attention.
Night all.
check it out......
This has been posted by the College
regarding my art opening.


  1. Not much rain here, but it's really humid as we're feeling the high pressure affects of hurricane Nate.

    Your meal really looks perfect for a fall evening - And little Wonder is perfect to cuddle up next too!


  3. That rain came through here on Saturday and it was needed. However I don't think we needed the nearly 3" at once. Things were getting rather dry around here. Now we are wet again!

  4. We had rain on and off for three days. Today the sun is out for a change. Don’t you love the smell of wet dogs! I feel like I spent the whole weekend drying them off.


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