Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ready to Hang the Show

It was raining when we went out for morning chores.
So muggy I was roasting in my sweats.

 I ran a few errands and went to A Different Path Gallery at noon.
We started organizing our artwork before Katherine arrived to hang it.

 The owl that Al (guest artist) carved is off the charts!!!!

Can't wait to see how this looks when I go to the Sunday Jam tomorrow.

 So nice of Rob W. to come in sporting our current political T-shirt.
Back at the ranch around 2

 and at 3 we left for the Fink's Sukkot celebration.
 All kinds of goodies.

 It was good to have a chance to chat with old friends

 and meet new! 

Home at 5:30 and I had forgotten to soak the beet pulp for the girls.
I put it on the stove and it only took 5 minutes....then it had to cool.
Chore duty tonight.

 The horses were pretty hot today and Abbe was a mess.
 Fortunately the inside of the barn was pretty comfortable.

 Tomorrow is going to be another busy day.
Sunday jam and then the "Sit Right Down and Read" chair auction at the Library.
Should be fun.
Night all.


  1. Love all the art work! Beautiful. Good luck with the show. Hot and muggy and buggy and foggy here today. The horses were miserable. Can't wait for cooler temps.

  2. The owl!!! The art work, what a grand display this will be. My pick for today, the sky in the late afternoon, beautiful.

  3. Look at all of that art work! I bet you were super busy with the art show. So much talent!


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