Sunday, June 11, 2017

Heading for 90 Degrees

It's a good thing there was 

 a nice breeze all day.

 Gary worked outside today, planting more tomatoes and peppers.  We also put in cucumber and zucchini plants and he ended the day spreading straw around the strawberries.  We have enough to do the whole veggie garden.
Jenny and Scott stopped up late morning.  She picked strawberries and he check out our two lawn tractors.  Fortunately he is a welder and can put the wheel back on the deck of the one I use to mow the pastures.

 They were going to check out a rocking chair for her front porch (her birthday is coming up), but we gave her one of ours instead.  Gary has quite a collection in the barn and they all need new 
seats and a paint job.

 At 1 I was down at the Sunday Jam.
 On Thursday several of us are participating in a gig at Brookside, where Sara's father lives.
Every Thursday they have musical entertainment and this week we are it.  Today we practiced some old standards and hope they will sing along.
 When I got back to the farm I worked on dinner.
First I cut up a watermelon and added some grapes.
Our summer go to snack.
 Then I made sweet potato salad.
First, peeled and diced one honkin' big sweet potato and boiled it until tender.
In another pot I added 4 diced/peeled regular potatoes and two eggs (hard boiled at same time).
Drained both in a colander and cooled.
Tossed with a little Italian dressing, salt, pepper and celery salt.
Added chopped eggs, onion, chopped roasted red peppers, chopped bread and butter pickles (with a little juice) and a dash of sugar.  Tossed and added mayo and mustard.  The sweet potatoes become soft (like mashed) and the white potatoes stay cubed.
If the flavor is not full enough, add a shot of cider vinegar.

Gary grilled some Zweigle hots and we were ready for a picnic.
Love sun tea with lemon at this time of the year.
 This afternoon Gary made me a shelf with cement blocks and a plank.
Now almost all of our house plants are outside for the rest of the summer.
Fresh air and protected by the porch roof.
The house seems empty without them.
 Chore duty at 7:30.

 The barn temperature was not too bad, but we are going to be in the 70s tonight.

Gary dumps the manure for me every single day, and that was his last chore this evening.
Now we are watching the Tony Awards.
One of Brockport High School's graduates is in the play "Bandstand" and we want to 
be sure and see him.  His parents said they should be on around 10:20 and he will be playing the trombone.  All three of the Packard children (all grown up with their own families now) have made it in show biz.  Pretty neat!
Night all.


  1. Hello Stranger! Good to be able to stop by and peak in on what's new in your corner of the world. I love the photos of your clematis - Mine was one of the fatalities I had last year, and I miss it. Your day was certainly a full and busy one, but a delicious meal is a perfect ending! --I'll have to remember the sweet-potato salad, it looks delicious, and you've made it sound easy to fix too!

  2. A lot of work for one day! And in the heat too. We hit 91 today and the same tomorrow. Ugh. The sweet potato salad sounds delicious. I might give it a try. Love all your gardens, veggies, flowers, fruits. You've got it all.

  3. Hello Lori. Love the look of that sweet potato salad. Must show Ann your recipe and see if she takes the hint

  4. It was horrid here today until the storms finally brought us relief. The heat index was up there high and I was so happy that all critters great and small had nice shady places to relax in.


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