Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Time To Go To Tina's Pool!

Hotter than I like it, but again....a nice breeze.

 The dogs were not too excited about the heat either.

 I picked a few strawberries for breakfast
 and filled the doggie pool with water.
I put Little Wonder in it, but he was not that interested.

 Do you make sun tea?  It's such a light, fresh summer drink...with a slice of lemon.

The back porch is turning into a very comfortable space, but the house is still so empty feeling without the plants.  I'm not used to that.
 Had my yogurt/strawberry/granola treat,
 then took a shower and drove down to Brockport for a photoshoot.

 Afterward, had lunch at Java and stopped at Wegmans on the way home.

 Before dinner I went out hunting for some new chairs for the back porch
and picked up some Chinese to go with the leftover rice we had at home.
I had sesame chicken
 and Gary had beef with veggies.  Yum.
 He did a lot of work in the back hall today.  
What an improvement.  It was awfully hot back there.
 Rest time.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Did you go swimming in your blue pool? The horsies are drinking out of their pool
    Lily & Edward


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