Saturday, June 10, 2017


We were in the low 80s today with brilliant sunshine and a nice breeze.

 Gary got down to business before 9am.

 He spent much of the day working on the back mudroom and made a lot of progress.
 A friend came over to cut some scapes.  By then it was starting to heat up.
 I mowed the big pasture to knock down all the took two hours and one of the wheels broke off the lawn mower deck.  Great!

Ron dropped off a couple hundred more onion plants!  I'm sure Gary would rather be working in the garden instead of in the house.
 Late afternoon I went over to Sara's and took some photos.
It was their 40th anniversary.

 They have acres of inventory and it is all beautifully displayed.

 No wonder Gary loves working there.

 Fortunately we had leftovers for dinner so it was a no brainer.
 I just made a veggie salad.
Chores at 7:30.

 The girls were ready to be tucked in.

 Gary finally quit working.
 Night all.


  1. The work never ends! Beautiful place Sara has. Love all the flowers.

  2. I just love your white clematis with the green stripes1. I am always hungry after reading your posts!


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