Friday, March 17, 2017


A gorgeous morning and I felt well enough to do chores on my own.

 I had a 10am appointment at Strong to have the stint removed.  The roads were bare and it was an easy drive in.
 I could not have been more impressed with everyone I came in contact with.
The procedure was a little weird, but not too bad.
 Around 12:30 some friends arrived...the Kidders.  They are from Jamestown, we have known them for decades and they just happened to be in Rochester for an appointment.  After catching up, Jane wanted to see the horses, as she has seen their photos on my posts.
  (Little Wonder loved her).

 The temperature had to be at least 40 and the snow was melting.
 Gary and I both love having people stop in and this was a treat.
 After they left it was nap time by the fire.
 I had chore duty again and Gary left for a fundraiser being held for the Summer Serenades programs.

 I drove down to the village at about 6:45 and the sun was starting to set.

 When I arrived at the Lift Bridge Book Store, Gary was going over all the bookings that have been made for this season.  Every band has a Brockport connection.

 Afterward we went out to dinner with Jim and Sharon C.
Green beer, corned beef with cabbage and whatever!

A very nice evening.  I'm glad I was able to take it easy for much of the day.
Night all.


  1. So glad the last hospital visit went well,( if that is an appropriate term) and you are lots more comfortable now, Still a huge amount of snow piled up there. And lovely to catch up with friends, a special time.

  2. It's always nice to have friends stop by. Glad you're feeling better.

  3. Hi Lori, so glad you're getting better. We love to have people stay over/pop in. When we first came to the farm, we were alone for almost two months (we had no car until Christmas) A young couple from the city of Johannesburg came here to buy Grant's motorcycle. You could see they thought we were the friendliest people ever; we were all over them as we'd not seen other people for all that time! Now we get into the Valley and the surrounding towns regularly and people have started popping in for a juice, tea and even breakfast. Have a great day. Jo

  4. Our snow is all gone now except in a few spots.
    I'm happy that your snow is melting! We are now in mud season again.

  5. Great to hear you are feeling a bit better ❤️


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