Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hello Sunshine!!!

Boy did I need a day like this.
Amazing sunrise and bright all day long.

 I gave Gary the morning off so he could have coffee (at last) with his cronies,
 as I felt well enough to do chores.
 Can you believe the color when there is so much light?

 The girls were able to be outside all day....

 When he got back to the farm, Gary did some snowblowing so we could move my car.
Fortunately it started.
 In front of our house, the roads were bare....but we passed an accident on our way to my Doctor's appointment.  Today my Primary, tomorrow stint removal at Strong. 
The past ten days have been a royal pain, but I have turned the corner.
 Gary has about 75% of the driveway under control and tomorrow we expect some melting.

 We went out to lunch, so it was every man for himself for dinner.  
Gary had oatmeal and I had a salad.
Just right.
That's all she wrote.
Night all.


  1. I'm glad the weather is better, and that you are better too!!! Its been quite a week, that knock on woods seems to be on its way to ending on a good note!!

  2. Beautiful outdoor pics, the blue/white is amazing, and look at the height!!!Take care and go slow even after the offending piece of equipment is removed.

  3. We are dull grey and drizzling here but that is okay, that is part of spring. At least the sun is shining for you! That is fantastic.
    I am glad you are doing better! Just in time for spring too, right?

  4. Hi Kitties and Doggies
    Gorgeous sky!!!!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    Lily & Edward

  5. The sunshine was definitely welcome here too. Glad you're feeling better. Love the pictures of Phoebe on the path. Such an adorable pup. LW is also very cute in all his pics.


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