Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Weatherman Was Right....

We woke up to a major change.  
Faaarrreeezin when I went out to the barn.
 All the girls are now wearing their blankets.

 Little Wonder was trying to hold off Abbe, then
 he thought he could take on Maggie and Angel!
Size sure does not matter to him. 
 Fortunately I was there to monitor his behavior!

 By mid morning we were getting more snow.
 It was the first time for Wonder to experience real cold and white things getting all over his coat.
 Our Sunday Jam started at 1 and we had a good sized group.
It's very different without Jimmy and will take some time for us to get in a new groove.
We are starting to learn new music and will probably have a few gigs in the future.

 It was totally nasty by the time I got back to the farm.

 Once again I put the girls in early.
 As you can see, the snow is sticking around and we could have who knows 
how many inches by morning.

 (copy cats....dogs)
 I made a great dinner.
Organic chicken, yams, asparagus and a salad with pears, apples and grapes.
Seeing that Gary has a nice fire going in the kitchen, I am going to put on some PJs and relax.
Night all.


  1. We got a touch of snow here last night but I'm jealous we're not getting more!!

  2. What crazy weather we're having - But I guess it's getting to be time for that, but I'm never ready. I am however, ready anytime for a delicious dinner like the one you're having. Stay warm, and I'll be anxious to see the snow you all end up with.

  3. Seems like LW is feeling a little full of himself with the horses, for a few minutes anyway. That was cute. Hope the snow stops soon. We only had a dusting at home. Up by the barn there was a foot this morning though. It's freezing and very windy too. Enjoy that fire and relax!

  4. Oh my word! That is some icy cold weather. I love Little Wonder's interaction with the horses. Skabenga loves our horses - the cats do too!

  5. Yup, he was right. Our cows hightailed it to the bush I may not see them up here again till spring:) Hug B

  6. Well there it is! I heard it was coming your way. We dodged it but may get some sleet kind of stuff soon.


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