Saturday, November 19, 2016

Non Stop!

 A big change is on the way.
 The sunshine disappeared within a couple of hours.
 After chores I got my act together, threw my uke in the car and drove in to Rochester to participate in a Saturday Jam at
I learned about it through my friend Danette.  In the past I participated in African Drumming with her husband Fred, who bought her a uke after listening to the Rochester Ukulele Orchestra.  I had posted a video and we were all motivated and ready to learn how to play.
This is Randy.  He is part of the orchestra and led the group today.  
So talented!  They meet every 3rd Saturday from 10-11 and he does an excellent job.
Even tho it was my first time, I was very comfortable and able to keep up.
 There were about 15 of us and the sound was terrific.
 Ironically, I already had the book that they use.
 The store was jam packed with instruments and the staff was very helpful.  Many performances are held here and I hope to attend one soon.  I found a great music stand for my uke.
 By the time I left, the temperature had started to drop and it was windy.

 A little before 3 I had to put the girls in the barn as it was raining with a little sleet in the mix.  They were ready.
 At 5 I went back out to give them more hay and grain.  Phoebe wanted no part of it, but Little Wonder was game to brave the rain.

 I can't believe this clematis blossom opened up today.
It was dark by the time I took this photo.
 We were a little wet by the time we got back to the house.
 Little Wonder and Seymour are real buddies now.

 At 7 we went to Brockport for a fundraiser.
 We were celebrating the 80th Birthday of our Library....
"After Hours".

 Lots of food and wine pairings, good friends, great conversation 
and many baskets were auctioned off.
 Of course all the usual suspects were there.

Home by 10 and ready to crash.
Night all.


  1. I have seen the weather coming your way and it is not PRETTY.( or should the capitals be for the other word??) already some roads closed way further north from you and cold temperatures. Guess LW will want to snuggle in and keep warm. What beautiful flowers, and platters of food.

  2. Woke up this morning yo cold and a dusting of snow. Yesterday it was 63. Guess we're in for a change. My six yr. old grandson asked for a ukulele this Christmas. I'm sure he will have fun learning to play it.

  3. I love your ukulele videos and that you are such a strong supporter of your community. Happy Thanksgiving from California!


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