Thursday, October 13, 2016

When The Moon HIts Your Eye....

Moderate temperature and rain this morning.

 The dogs were happy to get back to the house.

 I had a 9:30 meeting at the Town Hall and by then it was pouring and the temperature dropped over 10 degrees in an hour.
By this afternoon, the front passed us and the sun was back, but it was very cold.
 At 2 I made a second trip to the village to pick up some glasses.

 Of course I had to stop at Wegmans on my way home.

 While I was gone, Gary started putting this very thick plexiglass in Berlin's windows.  I did not realize that the glass was not clear (it had been in a little greenhouse), so it really shuts out the light and what you see is not clear.  Disappointed.

Seymour was in the house and took over one of the dog's beds....the bed that Little Wonder sleeps in when I am on my computer.  He did not like that.

 That late afternoon light was back.

 At 3:30 Gary went down to Jen's to hang out with the boys...
 and at 5:30 I picked them up and we went to the Diner for dinner.
My 3rd trip of the day to the Village.

 I had to pull off the road on my way home so I could grab some shots of the sunset.

 The deer were grazing in the fields that were just harvested.
 The moon.....

Night all.


  1. Pretty flowers and beautiful sunset. Too bad that the window was not what you expected.

  2. Such beautiful photos ♥ Have a lovely weekend ♥

  3. Wow that sky is fantastic. Little Winder you better put your paw down and let Big S knows who is boss
    Lily & Edward


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