Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Lincoln/Douglas Debate....

A brilliant start to the day.

 It was a long one, since we were all over the place.

 As usual, the dogs were patiently waiting for me to finish doing chores.

 At 10 we drove over to Apple Creek Farm
 and filled the car with apples for the horses.

 Then we headed out to Glen Darach Farm to introduce Little Wonder to his new
Auntie Andrea (Auntie Helen's sister that you have met many times).

 They shared many kisses.
Then it was time to go back to our own farm.
 When we got there it was break time.

 I eventually got cleaned up and ran a few errands...grain, cartridges for my printer, organic PB & J at Weggies and a great big garbage can for apple storage.
Gary was kind enough to take the grain and apples into the feed room.
 Karen arrived early to ride and the outdoor arena was like a rock.
 So I dragged both in and out.

 This is how the garden looks after the garlic has been planted.
 Tonight Gary had a 7pm performance at the Historical Society/Morgan Manning House.
The program being presented was the Lincoln/Douglas debate.
Gary was Douglas.
This was the costume he had to wear and I wanted to grab a few shots before he left.

 It was not  even 6:30 and the moon looked like this.
 Alicia Fink made the introductions.

 The house was packed and the program was enlightening.  
NOTHING like the debates we have been listening to lately.
Tea and Cookies were served at the conclusion.
Very proper.
 By the time I got home, the moon was just as brilliant as the sunrise.

Night all.


  1. I am SOOO sure this was the very best debate of the year. What a super looking guy you have there Lori, hang onto him with both hands!!!

  2. I'm sure the debate was nothing like what we have going on now! Gary looks very dapper in his costume. Sounds like a fun night.


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