Tuesday, October 11, 2016

First Frost

I'd say it was around 35 degrees this morning.
 Before going out to the barn I turned on the heater in the studio.
 There was frost in the big pasture.
 Little Wonder was kind enough to hang around with me while I fed the girls.

 Our next door neighbor gave us a lot of thick plexiglass when he took down a little greenhouse and I am hoping Gary can cut it to the size of the barn windows.  It is tinted, but that should not matter.

 Class at 10:30 and I forgot to take a lot of photos.
 LW loves my students.

 Carina and the kids made our bread delivery a little before noon.
 I wish you could sample it!  She is quite the baker and I plan to order a lot for Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts.

 The dogs have decided that they can both fit on the chair.

 After lunch I made a quick trip to Wegmans.

 For some reason I was in the mood for mac salad, so that's what I made for dinner.

 Served it with a cherry tomato salad.

 We had a Town Board meeting tonight.
It was getting dark on my way down and was pitch black by the time I got home.

 Got a great shot of the moon with my little point and shoot.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Little punkin head is probably wondering why it's so cold BOL
    Lily & Edward


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