Monday, October 10, 2016

No More Peppers

 Gorgeous morning.

 LW seems to enjoy digging.  Is he part Jack Russell?

 Jenny arrived at 9:30 and picked up squash soup, sun dried tomatoes, roma tomatoes and peppers (so she could make sauce).  We also picked raspberries....

 with the assistance of Little Wonder.  He loves them.

 At 11:30 I met my friend, Cheryl, down at Grinds.  We had the best talk.
 All the leaves are turning.

When I got home, Gary had picked a bushel of peppers...then he pulled the plants out.
 He also picked the tomatoes that were ripe and said there are many more out there.
 Dennis (who jams with us on Sundays) joined Gary at 1:30 to start planting garlic.
 About 800 cloves were planted today....1200+ to go.

 Little Wonder watched until he

 found a pine cone to chew on.
 I believe he has lost most of his milk teeth and has new ones.

 I was going to take a shot of the horses at chore time and there was Karen, taking pictures of flowers.
 We had another easy dinner.  
A salad with mixed greens, apples, craisins, grapes and peanuts...
 and leftover squash soup.
 After the pups finished their dinner, they both tried to get into one bed.

 That's it.
Night all.


  1. LW looks like he is part rat terrier to me, and they also love to dig. I ordered pizza for dinner...

  2. And in your garden everything is beautiful. Lovely morning skies. Guess you are definitely into autumn now.Here we had 5 Celsius some mornings recently, but almost 20C after midday today.

  3. Beautiful garden produce. Mine are done and we're going to have our second frost probably tonight.
    I dried all of my green peppers and am looking forward to having many good soups with them and other goodies when the temps get cold outside!

  4. You are precious!! We think you are a border terrier too
    Lily & Edward

  5. Hello Lori. It looks as if your trees are changing colour, as are ours a little. I like the look of your new pup. He looks rather like a Norfolk terrier. He also looks good fun.
    Warm regards to you both, Mike and Ann.


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