Sunday, October 9, 2016


What a gorgeous day.
Cool enough for a sweater and in the low 40s this morning.

 Gary finished stacking our wood for the winter....I always wonder if we have enough.
We have two stoves. An insert in the kitchen and one that is free standing in the living room.
 Little Wonder assisted.

 I went to the Sunday Jam at 1.  There were only 6 of us today, and as usual....
I learned something new.
 When I got back to the farm, decided that we needed to have squash and apple soup tonight.
 It also has cider in it.
 Served it with paninis.  Simple and delish.
 Went out to tuck the girls in after we ate.

 When it cools down like this, the evening sky is jammed with color.

 I loved the light in the barn.

 Little Wonder was distracted by a huge flock of geese.

 They had no impact on Phoebe.

Night all.


  1. Love the sky pictures, very dramatic. Glad you had a good day, we had rain all day. It's so much fun when the pups "help out!" I had a flooded basement recently and Ginger was up and down the steps "Helping" with everything I threw in the dumpster. Thank goodness for her assistance or I might have gotten the job done in half the time.

  2. Beautiful skies! We got up to 80 today but will be cooling back down in the coming week. We have more wood coming on Tuesday.

  3. I love this series of photos! A crispy morning, but it warms the heart to see your boy - And the soup does too!

  4. The light does amazing thing. It's so much fun to watch. Your trees still aren't at their peak of color.


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