Friday, October 14, 2016

A Ride Down The Back 40

A very cool morning...maybe in the mid 30s.

 After chores I took down the plexiglass Gary had put in Berlin's stall yesterday, as I found two more sheets that were full size and clear.  The ones he installed made the stall too dark and it was a blurry view for my girl.  He got home just in time to handle the screw gun.
So much better!
I have been ignoring the lane for months and decided to mow it before going back in the house.
It goes back a mile from our place...trucks and other pieces of farm equipment have always used it.  We have been able to ride back there, so I have tried to keep it up. 

 Perfect for a nice, quiet ride.
 The pups and I went out for a break and picked a bushel of red and green tomatoes.

 The girls were watching.

 Jenny sent Gary home with some pulled pork last night so we had dinner for lunch today.
 Put coleslaw right on top of it.  Yum.
 After I got cleaned up, Little Wonder, Phoebe and I jumped in the car and delivered veggies to 3 friends.  Fried green tomatoes are going to be very popular.

 Canal Road is one of my favorites.

 I brought several plants in from the back porch a few days ago, and bam!
A new hibiscus blossom.

 Gary went down to Jen's tonight and I had chore duty.

 Tucked the girls in....

 my helpers were with me.

 It was almost dark when we were done.
Here is how the windows turned out.
 I managed to mow 3/4 of the lawn and will finish it tomorrow.  The front yard is loaded with black walnuts that have to be raked up and moved.  Such a pain.
 Gary and the boys had pizza....I had left over squash soup
and a simple salad.
Now, I have to continue putting labels on about 700 envelopes!
Night all.

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