Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Perfect Fall Day....

The sun was very bright when the pups and I went out to the barn.

I'm so much happier with the view from Berlin's stall.

 After chores I went out to the front yard and continued to rake black walnuts so we could put them in wheelbarrows and move them.
 There were THOUSANDS of them on the ground, and this is the second round in the past few weeks.  There is no way I can mow when they are there.
 Two volunteers arrived at 10 to help me label envelopes.  We are sending out over 700 to people in our town that do not have public water.  The drought has caused all kinds of problems with wells and some households have been without water.  They will all be asked to fill out a survey so we can use the information to have a more accurate idea of what the situation is.  We are on a well. Our Town Board has formed a committee to work on this problem.
 The near frost turned into a warm day.
 So far, we still have a decent amount of color in our gardens.

 We got this hanging plant at Sara's at the end of May and it is still going strong.  It has never lost it's blossoms over the past 4 1/2 months and I'm going to see how long it will last in the house.

 We managed to get in a short rest this afternoon.

 At 2, Gary headed out for Finn's baseball game.  Jenny was with Cooper, who was playing in Hilton.

I went down to the Finks for their annual Sukkot celebration.
Do you know what that is?  This structure is called a "Sukkah."

 There must have been over 30 people there enjoying a perfect afternoon.
 This is our hostess, Alicia....
 and our host, Herb. 
 I've taken you to their home before (their son Andrew's annual summer BBQ).  Always a good time.
 Gary eventually got to the party...unfortunately Finn and Coop's teams lost their games.
By 4:30 we were back at the farm and he started breaking more garlic heads into cloves for planting.  He already has over 2000 in the ground.
Karen had chore duty.

It sure is getting dark early.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Busy times at your place, but I know you must thrive on it!


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