Sunday, October 16, 2016

Be Prepared....

This is a long one!
I took way over 100 photos today.
It all started this morning with the sunrise.

 By 7:30 the colors in the sky started to change.

 Phoebe and Little Wonder spent some time in the back yard while I finished cleaning the stalls.

 Gary continued breaking up garlic and planted 500 more cloves.
 I had prepared some tomatoes and peppers for sauce....Gary's turn.
 I went early to the Sunday Jam and had lunch at the Market. 
The Lions Club was giving away free hot dogs and drinks.
 The number of vendors had declined.
 Today there were 10 of us at the Jam and we were all over the place with our music.

When I got back to the farm, the dogs and I went out to the garden to pick more tomatoes and beans.
 Wonder thought is was fun to run through the planted garlic.

 Our sauce making days are not over.  There are still more tomatoes in the garden.

 Gary picked a lot of raspberries
 and it was enough to make 4 jelly jars of preserves.
 His sauce was cooling...
 and I still had to make a Waldorf salad.  
Tonight we had our monthly dinner with the Kleins and Cretneys.
 I made some macaroni and peas for the pups.
 They are spoiled, and get a couple tablespoons of people food for dinner.
 I did not have to do chores tonight as Karen and I switched today.

 We left for Brockport just before it started getting dark.
 As usual, we had a great meal.

 Pork (with an outstanding cider mustard sauce), wild rice, roasted brussels sprouts, snow peas, Waldorf salad and crusty bread.  Delicious!
 Ann made two gluten free desserts.  On the left is a frozen squash slice topped with whipped cream (tasted like frozen pumpkin pie) and on the right is a crustless cheesecake topped with raspberries.
 We brought along some glads for Brenda.
 This is their dog Tootsie Louise....
Congratulations to all those who read this to the end.
Night all.


  1. Not only are we starving from looking at that good food but wanted to say that sky is something else
    Lily & Edward

  2. Beautiful pictures and a great day. I made it to the end!


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