Monday, October 17, 2016

Fried Green Tomatoes

We had a little rain last night and it stopped just before I went out to the barn.

 After chores I grabbed a shower and went down to the Town Hall to finish up a mailing I have been working on.
On the homefront, I was in slow, but just before dinner I had a burst of energy and decided to make fried green tomatoes.  We must have at least half a bushel out in the garden and I picked that many 4 days ago.
 First I sliced the tomatoes (thin).  Then I dipped them in flour/eggs (with a little milk)/and finally bread crumbs.  I fried them in a combination of olive oil and cold pressed canola oil.  By far....the best I've ever made.
 Before we ate I took the pups out for a walk and grabbed a few shots.

 I got creative and put the fried green tomatoes on a bed of greens.
We also had rice and grilled chicken. 
 Hot tip....make some Russian dressing to serve on the tomatoes and greens.
Really makes it.  Or... you might like it with homemade Ranch dressing.
Night all.


  1. Looks good. Believe it or not I've never had fried green tomatoes. I'll have to try them sometime.

  2. I've never had these but should try it!


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