Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mug Shots and a Trip to the Kenan Center

This was like a vacation day for me!
Be prepared for another marathon post.
It was dark when I woke up and I grabbed a shot of the moon at 6:15am.

                                                         An hour later the sky was blue and it looked like this.

The feed room, where I prepare meals for the girls,
holds grain, hay, apples, supplements and a whole lot of other stuff 
(like a bed for any cat that is hanging out, cookies for the horses, hammers, nails etc.).
 It was positively gorgeous and near 70 degrees as I was doing chores and it even got warmer as the day went on.

 As per usual, Phoebe and Little Wonder were put in the back yard while I finished chores.
Prior to that they had about half an hour of running around the barn and paddocks.

 When I got back to the house I let them out again in the big yard.

 Class at 10:30.  Only three people today and Shamra wanted to work on her quilt, which is totally sewn by hand.

 Little Wonder received a lot of attention.
 We had a bread delivery, then Brenda and Sara arrived.
The 6 of us had a mini adventure planned.
First, we drove to Medina and had lunch at Zambistro.

 Very leisurely with lots of chatter.
Our destination was the Kenan Center in Lockport.
 Brenda (on the far left) had two of her paintings accepted in this National Show and we wanted to see them and everything else!

What a place for a gallery!

 Every space was impeccably kept....so tastefully done.

 Brenda was my student many years ago and has gone on to become a very accomplished watercolourist.  She spends part of every day in her studio and it shows!
 You will have to excuse the glare in these photographs, as the light on the glass brought about many reflections.
Here is Brenda's first painting, from a photograph she had taken at "Walnut Hill."
 It knocks my socks off!  Color, composition, technique and you know how much 
I love the subject matter.

 This is her second painting.  Her husband Al and their grandson (at a football game).
 Below is a sampling of other works in the show.

 The reflections are really distorting the paintings....sorry about that.

 I am so glad we were able to do this.  Just a great show and I am so proud of Brenda's work.
Below is a spectacular southern type mansion that was across the street.  I've never seen such ginormous pillars on a private home!
 We got back to the farm about 4:30.
 No, I did not forget to show you a loaf of Carina's bread....Challah.
I have not bought bread at Wegmans for months.

 We had leftover rice from last nights dinner....
 so I sauteed onions, peppers and tomatoes,
added the rice
 and it tasted just like stuffed peppers.
 A salad with apples and craisins on the side and we were good to go.
 We had a workshop meeting at the Town Hall tonight.
A very long, but terrific day.
Night all.


  1. Hi Lori!
    Love those interior shots.
    Those puppies demand act1on!
    Hope all's well


  2. Love the paintings, wish I could attempt that some day!

  3. What a beautiful old house. I love her pictures of the horses. Gorgeous. The rest of the show looks like there was a lot of talented painters exhibited too. Great trip.


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