Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Ideal weather for this time of the year.
For some reason, I finished chores in record time.

 The moon was out this morning....again.

 I dragged my butt down to Agape around 10.
10 min. on the bike/20 on the eliptical/15 on the treadmill.
At least it's a start.
 The pups were very entertaining this afternoon.

 We took it easy for much of the afternoon and at 3:30 we had a visitor.
This is Sophie.  Her mom is Pam (who is one of my art students).  She stopped over to pick up a loaf of bread that was delivered yesterday and wanted her dog to meet Little Wonder and Phoebe.

 LW wanted to hang out with her, but
 Phoebe disappeared.
 The late afternoon light was gorgeous.

Jenny wondered if I wanted to attend a Louise Slaughter event tonight so I asked Mary if she wanted to join me and we were headed into Rochester by 5:15.  Being spontaneous is good!
It was being held at the Albert Paley studio.

 Albert and his wife Frances were the very gracious hosts.
The studio is the size of a large factory and we entered through the downstairs work space.

The Studio/Gallery was incredible.
 It was filled with pieces by both Frances and Albert...perfectly displayed.

 Albert introduced Louise...
 who had a lot to say.  She is such an articulate woman and has brought so much to this area.
 Her experience and ability to facilitate positive changes is worth a lot.

 Mary really enjoyed being a part of this event, 
with the opportunity to see the works of Frances and Albert.

 An amazing meeting room.....

 It was our pleasure to be there supporting Louise, as she was very supportive during our campaign.
 Of course they had great food and drinks.

 We left around 7.  This was the view of Albert's work space as we were coming down the stairs.
 I am so glad we were able to attend this event.
 Night all.


  1. That is a real man's HUGE workshop, something even Hugh would not dream possible.Another wonderful event.

  2. That is some huge workshop. seems like a good event for a great person. I can't wait until this presidential election is over.


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