Thursday, October 20, 2016

It's Raining...

It's been drizzling or pouring all day long.
I put the horses out after they were grained and cleaned the stalls.
By 11 they were back in as they were wet and the temperature was dropping.
Colic weather.

 Wonder got wet.
 At 11:30, Pam K. picked me up and we were off to Zambistro in Medina.
It was that time again (we did this last year too) to celebrate her Mom's birthday.
Ironically, my class chose to eat here on Tuesday, when we drove out to Lockport for the Watercolor Show at the Kenan Center.
I could not complain as it is one of the best restaurants in this area.

This past summer I took you along to the Farm to Table dinner that was held on Main Street (here) and Zambistro catered the most incredible meal.  Afterward I posted at ton of pictures from the event and it was seen by nearly 1000 people.  I received a comment from a young woman who had a blog called "In A DC Minute" and she said she was moving back home (to Medina) and would be living on the family farm with her boyfriend.  Her blog was and still is exceptional.  She is an excellent writer and her photographs are outstanding.  Many of her posts had something to do with good food and the restaurants they would visit.  She also had others doing reviews.  At any rate, I communicated with her a few times and now she has been living in the area for 8 weeks.  Quite a change from DC!  I said that I would be going to Zambistro this week and she said I should watch out for her brother Chris.
Well here he is!  I introduced myself and we had time for a short chat.
Someday when he is working, I hope that Gary and I have the opportunity to meet his sister and Scott over dinner.  I love the contacts that have been made through my Journal.
 So this is what we had for lunch.

 The presentation, quality of food and service are always top shelf.

 This was Sally's birthday cake.  A no flour chocolate mousse and a Guiness shake.

We all enjoyed our meals and sat there for 2 hours.

As soon as I got back to the farm I changed my clothes and went 
out to the barn with Little Wonder.
The girls were happy to get turned out and I cleaned the stalls and reset them for dinner.

 Now it's time to go down to the Town Hall for a meeting.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how people can connect through the internet. Looks like a nice restaurant with good food. Just started raining here and should continue for a few days.


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