Friday, October 21, 2016


Still raining.
A  neighbor said we have had nearly 5".
 I grained the horses and turned them out while I cleaned stalls and set them up again.

 By 10 they were soaked and back in their stalls.

Phoebe went back to the porch, but not Little Wonder.  He stuck it out in the barn for awhile and got soaked by the time he went back to the house.  He is quite a trooper and has learned how to behave around the girls.
 I made an apple pie this morning.

 Just one of those days that made me want to hunker down by the fire and get cozy.
 Phoebe was all about napping....
 and Little Wonder wanted to play.

 Eventually he gave in and slept.  He is growing and now weighs about 14 1/2 pounds.
His brother's (Bug) owner had a DNA test done to determine his breeding...which means I now know about Little Wonder's background.  He is a Yorkie/Australian Cattle Dog/Border Collie with mixed breed (which included many from the Terrier group). 
I was really thinking he was a Yorkie/Schnauzer.
Does not matter to me, and I don't care how big he gets!
 At 3:30 we went out to the barn.  Phoebe continued napping.
This wheel barrow was next to the porch roof on Gary's barn and it was overflowing.
 I turned the horses out and cleaned the stalls.
 Even tho is was still raining, they wanted to get out in the pasture.

 It's very interesting to me, that they prefer to get wet...
when they have hay bags under the shed roof.
The temperature was around 55.
 The outdoor arena is so flooded I had to dig 3 small ditches to try and drain it before it backs up to the barn.
 Karen arrived around 5 to do evening chores.
Gary was all about having a fish fry, so we went down to the Bergen Family Restaurant for dinner.
Time to put on some PJs and get out by the fire.
Night all.


  1. We had all that rain too and I must admit I enjoyed it! Nice to have the heat break and cool down. Little Wonder has grown so much since i visited last! Gosh he is adorable! Barbie is half border collie and I think it's such great DNA!

  2. Too much or too little, rain that is, but L.W. is doing just right.

  3. Wow looks like you got some heavy rain! Generally none of the animals seem to mind the rain here either. They rather like it if it isn't cold and will get wet and roll in the mud. Most equine hair has oil in it so it sheds quite a bit of water.
    Love how Little Wonder is growing.
    We finally have had dry weather here and the crops are getting harvested!

  4. Wow that's a lot of rain. Looks like a lake is forming. We have it too yesterday and today. Not as bad as you though. Little Wonder sure has a lot of breeds in him. It just makes him cuter than ever. I have no internet until Tuesday so I may be absent for a while. Brought my iPad over my daughters to see what's going on. Wishing you sunshine and dry weather.

  5. Hi Lori, Little Wonder is so cute! When we arrived on the children's farm last Sunday, everyone was amazed when Skabenga (my Labrador) went up to Thunder in his stall and gave him a kiss! He, Missy and Thunder are great friends. Have a great day. Jo


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